Volunteer Opportunities

Come serve the homeless with True Freedom and Cuyahoga Valley Church on Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. We meet in the Frontline parking lot at 1744 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, 44114. Volunteers serve sandwiches, fruit, canned food, and various other items. We also provide dishes and utensils for clients to take with them. Twice a month clothing is distributed. It is also our privilege to pray with anyone interested.

In addition, you can join True Freedom’s Homeless Ministry on Saturday nights at 7:15 p.m. at the Lutheran Men’s Shelter at 2100 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, 44114. Here you’ll find Sandy Pocisk still serving up her famous chicken soup after 28 years! Come ready to hear testimonies of God’s faithfulness along with a reading from His Word. Together we distribute food, clothing (organized by the faithful Roy While!), toiletry items, copies of Our Daily Bread, and Bibles. There are priceless opportunities to pray with clients and share the gospel message as they go through the line. This is an exciting way to minister to precious souls in America’s poorest big city. Volunteers and clients alike have encountered God’s Spirit in life-changing ways through homeless ministry.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact David Wessel at DWessel@tfmohio.com or call the office at 216-202-3636, ext. 709.

We would love to see you there!

Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly or one-time gift to help us meet and fulfill the mission to which God has called us?


#homeless #homelessness #homelesspeople #homelessoutreach #truefreedom #truefreedominchrist #christianity #love #Foodforhungry #cleveland #clevelandohio #ohio