True Freedom and Prospera Continued to Grow in 2024!

True Freedom and Prospera Continued to Grow in 2024!

By every metric used in prison ministry and reentry, 2024 was a remarkable year of growth for both True Freedom Ministries and Prospera Reentry. Through the faithful dedication of our staff and volunteers, we conducted over 2,000 services, classes, and programs. Total attendance within the prison system eclipsed 45,000 for the first time—an increase of over 5,000 people from the previous year! The hard work of investing in lives for eternity materializes in the weekly discipleship of men and women. Transformative relationships are built through classes like Alpha, Stepping Up, Reformers Unanimous, Celebrate Recovery and our 40-week Character Development program all across the state. Additionally, through the generous support of the TMG Cares Foundation…

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“I have never felt so much love through an organization like I felt through True Freedom.”

“I have never felt so much love through an organization like I felt through True Freedom.”

Thank you for your partnership with us. True Freedom Ministries is having a huge impact in the lives of so many inmates. Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly or one-time gift to support this amazing work that was commissioned by Jesus Himself (Mathew 25:36)?

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“When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus.”

“When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus.”

“When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Thank you for your partnership with us. True Freedom Ministries is having a huge impact in the lives of so many inmates. Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly or one-time gift to support this amazing work that was commissioned by Jesus Himself (Mathew 25:36)?

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Because he was like me!

Because he was like me! Jimmie Collins - “Knowing Mike prior to him being released from prison made it so much easier to get involved with this program because he was like me.” Thank you for your partnership with us. True Freedom Ministries is having a huge impact in the lives of so many inmates. Would you prayerfully consider making a one-time end of the year or monthly donation to support True Freedom Ministries for 2025?

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When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus

When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus

Michael Parker - “Usually, when you run from God, like Jonah, you run right into Him…When I think of True Freedom, I think of the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Thank you for your partnership with us. True Freedom Ministries is having a huge impact in the lives of so many inmates. Would you prayerfully consider making a one-time end of the year or monthly donation to support True Freedom Ministries for 2025?

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An Exciting Time

An Exciting Time

- By Chaplain Smith

At the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center, I sat down with a 15-year-old boy. He said he had questions for me. This young man asked how to be saved and how to explain salvation to his mother! Such great questions! I was excited and shocked at the same time. I immediately shared the gospel of Christ, and I wrote it down for his mother, along with supporting Bible verses. I led this boy to Christ and prayed for him and his mother. I also had…

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Softball, Steaks, and Gospel Seeds

Softball, Steaks, and Gospel Seeds

The weather was cold and not ideal, but the players were ready for True Freedom’s 4th annual Yard Day! Six teams competed in this highly anticipated softball tournament at Grafton Correctional Institution. Along with three prison teams, Grafton Correctional Institution, Grafton Reintegration Center, and Lorain Correctional Institution, we hosted three outside teams, Grace Church at Bath, Grace Church at Middleburg Heights, and Friends to Friends. Grafton Correctional Institution took the prize this year. This special day included a generous cookout that beautifully expressed the love of Jesus. The feast included steaks for the entire prisoner population. After the trophy presentation, executive Director Michael Swiger shared the Gospel. Please pray that seeds planted at this event will bring forth forever fruit. Thank you for your contributions to our ministry, allowing us to serve the broken in creative ways as God touches hearts and calls them to Himself…

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Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteer Appreciation

We praise God for our amazing volunteers. What a blessing to have such gracious hearts devoted to serving our clients.

For those who have volunteered with True Freedom during 2024, it is our pleasure to invite you to this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Saturday, December 7th, 2024, at Cuyahoga Valley Church, 5055 E Wallings Rd., Broadview Heights, OH 44147, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Please RSVP by November 25th to Kitt Rossi,,

216-202-3636 ext. 703.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1Peter 4:10

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Open Doors in 2024!

Open Doors in 2024!

In 2024, correctional institutions throughout the state of Ohio have opened their doors to True Freedom. The infographic map below displays the facilities that welcome us on a regular basis (indicated by the color green) and those we have visited once or twice this year (indicated by the color blue). Many thanks to our partners who make this possible. Please pray that we would be empowered by the Spirit to faithfully to share the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. We give thanks to the Lord our God! There is hope in Jesus Christ…

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Greatest Impact at Stark

Greatest Impact at Stark

By God’s grace, True Freedom Ministries was recognized by Stark Regional Community Center as the organization that had the greatest impact on its staff and residents this year. Our offerings at Stark include a 40-week Character Development Class, Celebrate Recovery Step Study, Motherhood, Workforce Development, Art and Soul, and the Breaking Free Bible Study. True Freedom is so thankful for our partnership with this facility. Thank you so very much for all that you do to empower us to complete the mission God has given us…

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A Day I Will Not Forget

A Day I Will Not Forget

Before Covid-19, True Freedom’s Executive Director Michael Swiger and Cyril Prabhu forged a partnership. Their goal was to facilitate reconciliation between incarcerated parents and their children in Ohio. Recently, this beautiful dream became a reality at Grafton Correctional Institution!

Cyril is the founder of Proverbs 22:6. The amazing system he designed outlines concrete steps for parents and children to take towards each other, with support from local organizations like True Freedom. The event at Grafton started with True Freedom volunteers standing in two lines to form a tunnel through which kids and dads would run into each other’s arms. Needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the house. Next came a carnival complete with games, face painting, cotton candy, and popcorn—an experience...

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He Genuinely Cares and it Shows

He Genuinely Cares and it Shows

Chaplain David Hill is making a huge impact in the lives of many inmates as he teaches “Celebrate Recovery,” a faith-based addiction-recovery program, and “Character Development,” a 40-week class based on the book of Proverbs. Here’s what inmates are saying: “Pastor Dave has opened my mind and helped with my questions, doubts, and fears. He helped me find just enough faith and hope to continue walking with God. He is a totally awesome and extremely...

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Loving Us When We Didn’t Know How to Love Ourselves

Loving Us When We Didn’t Know How to Love Ourselves

Bill Holko recently completed another round of “Stepping Up” at the Grafton Reintegration Center (GRC). “Stepping Up” is a 10-week class comprised of a video series, an extensive workbook, and class discussions focused on courageous biblical manhood. The men also write individual “Stepping Up” plans, which address the self-identified areas of their lives in which they want to grow. Here’s what clients are saying: “An amazing fundamental program for guiding men today, “Stepping Up” was insightful. I only wish I had access to a program like this as a young boy...

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A Phenomenal Ministry

A Phenomenal Ministry

I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of True Freedom’s programming during my incarceration at Northeast Reintegration Center. It is a phenomenal ministry! The mother-daughter duo teaching the courses are anointed and absolutely astonishing. They don’t just teach God’s Word and life skills, they live what they teach. They are completely transparent with us ladies, while being compassionate, loving, caring, understanding, and never judging us. You literally cannot only feel but see the Jesus in them. Jess and Cayla McCamon are blessings on earth...

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Meeting Neighbors’ Needs

Meeting Neighbors’ Needs

True Freedom’s Homeless Ministry continues to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Northeast Ohio. This tireless team recently distributed 175 dental hygiene kits to the least of these in Cleveland. Every month members invest hours collecting, sorting, and delivering donated and purchased personal hygiene items to the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Men’s Shelter. Additionally, this committed crew gave 166 personal hygiene kits to men and women at Stark Regional Community Corrections Center. Homeless ministry partners Bishop Cosgrove Center, Thea Bowman Center, and Refuge of Hope joined our team to distribute 966 “comfort kits” to homeless men and women in Cleveland and Canton. These kits contained items especially helpful during colder months like socks, lip balm, and Eucerin skin cream, as well as toothbrushes and toothpaste.Meeting Neighbors’ Needs...

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A Vision for People Like Me

A Vision for People Like Me

True Freedom’s Character Development class is based on the Book of Proverbs and meets weekly for one hour. The course runs for 40 weeks, with a different “value” covered each week. These include attitude, responsibility, productivity, etc. Chaplain David Hill teaches Character Development at Stark Regional Community Correction Center and at Cuyahoga Hills Juvenile Correctional Facility. He states, “The only info I have is the Holy Spirit is moving; people are being transformed.” As one of our most popular offerings, this course is helping to change the lives of our clients and is expanding across the state of Ohio. Here’s what inmates are saying: “Pastor David is by far the coolest pastor I’ve ever met, and thanks to him I no longer live in the darkness that my addiction had me in. I start every day with a grateful heart for being saved from the hell I was living in. Thank you, Pastor David, for leading my heart and spirit to the light. You will always be one of my biggest role models and a great friend...

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Extremely Open

Extremely Open

By Chaplain Smith - At the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Jail, boys in the medical ward, who are sick or injured because of fighting, are extremely open to prayer, Bible study, and conversation! God has reached their hearts through great trouble and the prison sentences they are facing. These boys are ready for the redeeming power of Christ in their lives. Please continue to pray for these young men to grow in their love for their Savior. It’s such a privilege to be the hands and feet of Christ as we share His exceedingly great hope with thirsty young people and let them know they have a good, good Father who loves them beyond their wildest imaginations...

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Think about all the forgotten souls that could impact the world in a positive way if they knew they were loved and cared about.

Think about all the forgotten souls that could impact the world in a positive way if they knew they were loved and cared about.

Think about all the forgotten souls that could impact the world in a positive way if they knew they were loved and cared about. True Freedom Ministries proudly partners with TMG Companies and its Cares Foundation along with Impact Records to launch the Rock the Yard Concert Series in Ohio’s prisons this summer. With Nashville country recording star, Tyler Conti, inmates are being touched by God's word and understand they have a chance for redemption...

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