Serving the Needy in Northeast Ohio

Every year Homeless Ministry Director Dave Sudnick and volunteers distribute winter hats and gloves to the residents of the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries Men’s Shelter. The shelter is located at 2100 Lakeside Avenue and is temporary home to around 250 men each day. The facility provides beds, meals, and a lot more. Those staying at the shelter need personal hygiene items, socks, underwear, clothing, shoes, hats, gloves, and coats. Those moving out need pots and pans, dishes, silverware, glasses, towels, pillows, bedding, coffee makers, and can openers. During 2022 we distributed 7689 such items to men there.

True Freedom also had the privilege of partnering with Pastor David Hill and the Oasis De Paz Outreach Ministry in serving the Lorain County Community. We distributed clothing, shoes, socks, coats, hoodies, and personal hygiene items, plus bags of candy for children!

Would you prayerfully consider making a one-time end of the year or monthly donation to support True Freedom Ministries for 2023?