Joy at the JJC

By Chaplain Jimmie Smith

At the Juvenile Justice Center this month, we started Sunday afternoon worship services. At 2:00 pm, I go to the assigned House for the day and spend time with the three Pods separately. I pass out sheet music to the youth and teach them the songs. I teach the standard hymns of the faith like Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance, and Farther Along! Before you know it, we have a choir singing together and sounding good. They are amazed that a choir was formed, and they’re having fun! After rehearsing the same songs over and over again, I teach a Bible lesson, answer their Bible questions, and share the gospel. This month on Sunday, three young men accepted Christ as their Savior. Going forward, we will begin the process of discipleship with the new believers in Christ!

Please pray that the God of hope would fill these young people with all joy and peace in faith so that they overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

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