Loving this Race

By Volunteer Ted Wood

My wife June and I moved to the Cleveland area in the summer of 2018 for new employment. We had prayed that this was the right decision as we left our church, friends, and family behind.  Well, not only did God answer our prayers with a new church, but by His Providence within a couple of weeks we heard Mike Swiger’s testimony.  I was searching for a new ministry--a new race to run. God answered the desires of my heart by putting David Wessel and True Freedom into my life.

I now have the privilege to co-facilitate an Alpha class with David Wessel at Grafton Reintegration Center and to be involved in the Mentorship program at Grafton Correctional.

Volunteering with TFM has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Seeing men’s souls regenerated into new creatures in Christ is amazing, and it continually strengthens my own faith. I thank Almighty God for putting me in this race.

May we all heed Hebrews 12:1 “… lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

If you would like to volunteer at True Freedom, please contact Jessica McCamon at JeMcCamon@tfmohio.com