2nd Annual Yard Day at GCI

By God’s grace, True Freedom sponsored the second annual “Yard Day” event at Grafton Correctional Institution. Executive Director Michael Swiger clearly articulated the Gospel in an open-air service. We brought in three outside teams (two comprised completely of Amish men) to play in a softball tournament against two prison teams. Last year, one of the Amish teams won. This year Grafton Reintegration Center played Grafton Correctional Institution in the finals. It was a best of 3 game series with GCI sweeping GRC in two games. We celebrated our time together with a cookout of hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, pop, and fresh pies that the Amish brought in (DELICIOUS!) for the entire 2,200-prisoner population of the Grafton Reintegration Center and the Grafton Correctional Institution.

What an amazing day! The diversity of backgrounds represented at this event always makes it an especially rich experience.

Please pray for enduring fruit from this event. Your generosity allows us to preach the Gospel and serve our clients in tangible ways. We praise God for our partnership with each of you.

Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly or one-time gift to help us meet and fulfill the mission to which God has called us?