
When the virus closed Ohio’s prison doors to all volunteers, it appeared that much of our Kingdom work would be completely suspended. But God, whose Kingdom advancement cannot be thwarted, opened a different door! Having gained favor with the administration at Richland Correctional Institution, we were permitted to reformat lessons into interactive Bible studies via email. In this way, interested inmates can study, answer, and return their answers for comments, correction, and credit. Each life topic is discussed through the lens of Scripture with references to read, questions to answer, and observations to record. The Gospel is presented in every lesson. Inmates receive personal notes of encouragement along with their results.


Having completed our first series of eight lessons, True Freedom Ministries awarded each man a Certificate of Achievement for his efforts. Now in our second series, we have been allowed to increase the number of participants. God is good all the time. Special thanks to Kendra Knapp at Richland Correctional Institution for her generous assistance in enabling us to communicate with our men. God makes a way, when there is no way.

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.