Handling Money God’s Way


Every Tuesday, at our west-side Cypress location, Michael Swiger and David Wessel conduct a financial literacy class called Your Money Map by Howard Dayton. Rick Warren, author of THE PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE, described this course as, “The most effective method we’ve ever used to train people to handle money God’s way.”
    The program consists of seven steps, or destinations, to complete to find true financial freedom. This practical class is vital for our clients as they reenter society. Many of them have never been instructed in the area of stewardship. In some cases, this is the first time they have found meaningful employment and earned a livable wage. Billy Graham once said, “If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will straighten out almost every other area of his life.” Larry Burkett stated, “How we handle money is simply an outside indicator of our internal spiritual condition.” True Freedom wholeheartedly agrees!
    Our clients are greatly benefitting from this class and from the fellowship with each other. True Freedom client DeNeik Thornton stated, “I have always struggled with frivolous spending. Recently I’ve been praying for God’s instructions on how to better manage my finances. This class is an answer to my prayers!”
    Client Roy Logan said, “When you have been incarcerated for as long as I was, you need help to
understand how to navigate your life financially.”
    Please pray for our clients to grow in wisdom in this area of their lives.

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.