By Rondell Foster (654-590)

The impact True Freedom has had on my life is second to none, in regard to prison ministry. I was introduced to True Freedom early on in my incarceration when I was around 20 years old. At the time I considered myself a believer, but I struggled with believing the supernatural stories I read in the Bible. I was a big overthinker, and I questioned everything. Then one day my brother in the faith, Joseph Gray, invited me to a Bible study led by a guy named Mike Swiger. I initially had my reservations, but little did I know that this would be a pivotal moment in my walk with Christ. I was impressed by Mike’s ability to make the deep things of the Bible so plain. When I left that first Wednesday, I remember saying to Brother Joe, “That dude must have been in church since he was a baby, or he’s a pastor’s kid.”

Joe looked at me with a smirk on his face and said, “That dude did almost 20 years in prison.” I was shocked to learn that this Bible scholar was in my shoes before. Later I understood that he was the founder of True Freedom Ministries, which made perfect sense. I saw freedom on Mike Swiger. I never would have guessed the mess he came out of, and that drew me to the ministry. I found out True Freedom was created and led by people who were in this dark place we call prison and found an everlasting light.

David Wessel is another essential person True Freedom has offered to me in a time of need. I remember when he first came to a worship service at Lorain Correctional. This was going to be his first experience with God moving behind prison walls. A fellow Christian rapper and I began to worship, and men were delivered and saved. That day David Wessel came into Lorain Correctional employed in the educational field, and led by the Spirit, he left with a calling to ministry. He believed in what God was doing in prison. That’s True Freedom in a nutshell: men and women who have been on the dark side of prison and men and women who believe there is light there. I am True Freedom.

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