God’s Gift of True Freedom

God’s Gift of True Freedom - By John Bragg (A215-337)

My name is John Bragg, and I am originally from the Toronto, Canada area. I moved to Ohio in 1981 after meeting a woman from Brunswick, who later became my wife. Life seemed good; I drove semitrucks for a living and had my motorcycle. I was involved with a local bike club in the Cleveland area. Still, I didn’t feel happy, and I didn’t understand why. Before long, I found trouble, which eventually led me to a life sentence in prison. God wanted to get my attention.

While I was in county jail, Gary Koly came to see me. He’d been sent by a mutual friend. Gary said he wanted to talk to me about Jesus. My response was, “I need a lawyer, not Jesus!” Then I walked away. A week later, Gary returned. We talked this time. Little did I know that the seed had been planted. I gave my life to Jesus a few weeks later, there behind bars, with Gary as my guide.

Flashing ahead to 1991, a few years into my life sentence, I met a young fellow by the name of Mike Swiger. We became friends and, through his example of walking with the Lord, my own walk with Jesus gained strength. I wasn’t doing much as far as reading and studying the Bible back then. It was the way Mike carried himself and how he was always quite happy that struck me.

I’ve since seen things in a much different light. Now I reflect on the fact that the Lord was in my life even when I didn’t know Him. He was saving me from accidents and other crazy antics that should have killed me. Every day I thank the Lord. Heart attacks and other health issues have brought my mortality to the forefront of my mind. I know I’ve been blessed beyond comprehension by God’s gift of True Freedom. Praise the Lord God Almighty.

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