2022 Ministry Recap

Dear True Freedom Partner,

Through God’s grace and provision, 2022 was a year of unprecedented growth for True Freedom. By the end of the year, we had reached our pre-COVID level of ministry activity:

• 20,102 – Total prisoners who attended services, classes, and programs

• 19,958 – Total clothing and toiletry items distributed

• 18,720 – Total hot meals served on the streets of Cleveland

• 11,600 – Total number of volunteer hours served

By the end of March, COVID restrictions were lifted, and we relaunched classes, services, and programs mothballed for nearly two years, including quarterly worship services on death row. God also allowed us the joy of fulfilling a dream we had worked on for almost two years.  In conjunction with Grace Church of Middleburg Heights under the campus leadership of Pastor Scott Lessing, True Freedom planted an independent church inside Lorain Correctional. Since its beginning, weekly church attendance has averaged over 100, with 65 professions of faith, and 36 baptisms!

We were blessed to conduct major events throughout the summer.  First, in collaboration with the Community Service Alliance, Grace Church in Middleburg Heights, and The City Mission, we held a city-wide crusade for displaced people living in halfway houses, rehab centers, and homeless shelters. Over 300 people attended with 50 making first-time professions of faith in Jesus Christ.

We also sponsored our 2nd annual “Yard Day” at Grafton Correctional Institution. Six softball teams from across Northeast Ohio, including an Amish team from Middlefield, competed alongside two inmate teams.  An open-air worship service began the day’s festivities with over 500 prisoners in attendance.  Through a generous donation we were able to provide hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, and pop to all 2000 prisoners and staff at Grafton Correctional.   At the end of the day, one of the men serving a life sentence said, “Today was the first day in 36 years I felt like someone cared.”

In December, through the generosity of Frank and Malisse Sinito, we conducted our 2nd Annual Christmas Extravaganza at Grafton Correctional.  The executive chefs from both The Marble Room and Il Venetian restaurants prepared on site a feast for over 200 inmates. Board Chairman Frank Sinito shared the compelling story of how his father, former mob boss Tommy Sinito, came to faith in Jesus Christ while serving time in prison. Frank also told of his own conversion following his father’s death at Belmont Correctional, illustrating the powerful legacy of prison ministry.

2022 saw unprecedented growth for Prospera Reentry.  We were able to expand the work-release program throughout the year with women from the Northeast Reintegration Center working at Diamond Metals, The Marble Room, and Lockeepers; men from Grafton Reintegration Center working at reLink Medical; individuals living in Cleveland transitional housing centers working at Lynk Packaging; and women from Laura’s Home working at the Key Tower Marriott Hotel. 

We also expanded our screen-printing apprenticeship program in 2022, installing a new six-panel printing press and three new flash driers. Eight residents and two facilitators participated in a 4,000-hour program.  Over 1000 t-shirts and sweatshirts were produced for nonprofit organizations across Northeast Ohio.

On behalf of our Boards of Directors, our staff and volunteers, and the thousands of men and women we serve, thank you for allowing us the privilege to be your missionaries on this high-risk, high-return mission field, where God is changing lives, saving souls, and equipping hands for eternity.
–Michael Swiger

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.