Pressing Through the Barriers


The COVID-19 lockdown within the prison system is still in place, with a major outbreak at Belmont Correctional. To address the spiritual needs within our mission field, True Freedom is distributing DVD’s of video messages Mike Swiger and Mark Stradiot are producing each week to 19 prisons throughout the state. In addition of Pen Pals are writing hundreds of cards and letters each week, providing encouragement and spiritual direction to individuals all across the country.

The prolonged restricted environment is causing tensions to rise within the housing units due to boredom. To address this concern, True Freedom donated and delivered over $1000 worth of ODRC approved card and board games to Grafton Correctional Institution. In the midst of a difficult season, these games are making a difference, encouraging positive interaction among inmates. It is a privilege to show these men that the same people who preach Jesus to them care about the seemingly mundane details of their lives. We want them to know they are not alone. They are more loved than they could ever dare to dream.

As True Freedom continues our mission behind the walls, we are so grateful for your ongoing partnership. Dealing with pandemic regulations has called for unprecedented creativity as we persist in our commitment to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Lord is touching hearts through this ministry, despite our limitations. As the Apostle Paul taught us so long ago, the Word of God is not bound! Our God is on the move. In the face of many barriers, He is using your prayer support and financial generosity to reveal Himself to the broken. He is mighty to save.

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.