Finding Community


My name is Dontravious Singleton. At 18 years old I was sentenced to life in prison. I was a high school dropout and hanging with the wrong crowd. The night of my  crime I and another guy, who was only 15 years old, both lied to our mothers, telling them we were going to the movies. Instead we purchased alcohol. We walked the city streets, and, without provocation, we attacked a 22-year-old kid. We later found out that he died due to a fatal concussion. That was the worst decision of my life.

Finding God was the greatest blessing of my life. Meeting the men of True Freedom Ministries was the second biggest blessing. I have no doubt that God was the GPS in connecting us. After 18 years in prison, I had my first parole hearing, but I was denied for lack of community support. This was devastating. And I had no idea how to gain community support. But God did, and He was about to show me the answer. Soon, I requested a transfer to Grafton Reintegration Center where I met Bill Holko. His zeal for God changed my life. Though nervous and scared to ask for his help, I wondered if this relationship might represent the community support I needed.

Bill eventually wrote me a letter of support! And in time, I enrolled in every TFM class. I was paroled on November 12, 2019. I was hopeful that I would find a job using the computer skills I learned through True Freedom Ministries and the Dalton Foundation computer lab. Soon, I heard that True Freedom Enterprises was interviewing offenders for a job opportunity. It was then that I first met Mike Swiger. He was as genuine as they come. He explained how he was going to help me shape my future. Soon I was working in a whitecollar industry for reLink Medical!

I found God through TFM’s classes and programs. Upon my release, this organization provided me with clothing and additional resources for daily living. True Freedom Enterprises transported me to work and True Freedom Ministries recently gave me a car. Staff members continually check on me to see how my transition is going. They even visit me at my job once a week. And their financial planning class is helping me manage my money. True Freedom has become my family - my ultimate community support!

Thank you!

Dontravious at reLink Medical

Dontravious at reLink Medical

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.