"Encouraging Them Toward the Savior" by Dave Sudnick


I began volunteering at the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries Men’s Homeless Shelter in 1999. This facility houses hundreds of men and helps them to transition into independent living.

Seeing this ever-changing population of men needing to hear God’s Word, I began leading a weekly Bible study at the shelter in 2009. By God’s grace, my team and I provide comfort, encouragement, and hope to everyone we encounter at the shelter, especially those men who participate in our Bible class. In the last ten years, 1227 men have attended these sessions.

Men come on a voluntary basis. Some attend once, some come regularly, and a few even continue coming after they have moved out of the shelter.

Thanks to our generous donors, we have held “special events” when we distributed hoodies, winter hats and gloves, socks and underwear, personal hygiene items, and sports water bottles in the summer. We also distribute Our Daily Bread devotionals and In Touch devotionals every month. In addition, we provide new Bibles in the library as often as they are needed. The men are encouraged to take these Bibles with them and to read God’s Word daily. We praise God for making a way for us to reach the homeless in our city with the life-changing message of the gospel. It is such a privilege to come alongside these precious souls with tangible help, as the hands and feet of Jesus, loving them where they are, encouraging them toward the Savior. Please contact David Wessel at dwessel@tfmohio.com for more information about how to get involved.

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Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.