"Made New" by Jimmie Smith

Recently, True Freedom Ministries conducted its second baptism service of 2019 at the Juvenile Justice Center. Fifteen young men were baptized, bringing this year’s total to twenty-five. Below are two testimonies from men who publicly professed their faith in Christ that day.

One 14-year-old came to our meeting crying.  He said, “I hope God will forgive me for my sin.” The young man and his mother were living on the streets for eight months, and he is now in jail for armed robbery to buy food. Previously, he made B’s and C’s when he was in school. His dream is to become an NBA Basketball player or a school teacher. He received Christ as his Savior and wanted to know how to pray.  We had a Bible study on how to talk to God. I encouraged him concerning his future and counseled him to make good friends with law abiding people.  

I also met a 14-year-old who was on the run for violating his probation. He was in jail for breaking and entering homes. After receiving Christ, I gave him a Bible and discipleship study material. Our first Bible study was on how to pray. He wants to become a barber and own a chain of barbershops someday. I told him with God all things are possible. 

Thank you for partnering with True Freedom Ministries. Your generosity allows us to fulfill the mission God has given us, including conducting 676 counseling sessions at the Juvenile Justice Center in 2019, through October. Please continue to pray that these young men will grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.