Loving the Lost with the Truth of the Gospel


By Chaplain Jimmie D. Smith

A young man cried during a counseling session because he wanted to be at home with his family.  In jail for the first time for carrying a gun at 16 years old,  he said he needed a gun because the streets of Cleveland weren’t safe.  I asked him what time he got home at night.  He said at 1 am.  I told him there was nothing but trouble and bad news on the streets of Cleveland at that late hour.  We talked about his life, dreams, and goals for the future.  We talked about the salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ.  


At the end of the session, he made a profession of faith and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord.  We talked about and identified the people, places, and things he needed to change.  He seemed shaken up about his experience and vowed to return to school and attend church with his mother.  I gave him a Bible and a Bible study guide.  We prayed together, and I told him I would see him next week.

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