Ohio Department of Corrections Partners with True Freedom Ministries
/Dozens of Northeast Ohio churches turned out for the first official prison ministry training seminar provided by True Freedom Ministries in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections on Saturday, November 17th.
Trainees came from as far as Akron/Canton to participate in this day-long, comprehensive training seminar.
Gary Koly and Michael Swiger led the morning sessions, sharing their prison ministry insights and experiences to the audience of trainees. Jeff Bertram, from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, provided valuable information on the State’s requirements for prison ministry and visitation. Mr. Bertram then passed out the State of Ohio applications for religious ministry volunteers and worked with the trainees to complete the 10 page application.
This prison ministry training seminar demonstrates True Freedom’s commitment to equipping lay people throughout the state with the skills needed to minister to the incarcerated.