13 More Baptized at the Juvenile Justice Center


The Lord continues to change lives. Seven young men were recently baptized at the Juvenile Justice Center. One of these new believers was incarcerated for the third time at the age of 17. He kept falling into the same trap of listening to the wrong voices and following bad influences in his life. Sadly, he had missed out on great opportunities for scholarships and jobs. After hearing the gospel, he made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He became very interested in reading the Bible and had many questions. By the grace of God and through his study of the Scriptures, this young man has learned to make better decisions.


We praise the Lord for the ways He is using our chaplains to speak Life into those incarcerated at the Juvenile Justice Center. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me,” John 14:6. May He draw many souls to Himself, for the glory of His Name. He is so good and faithful.

—Testimony from Chaplain Jimmie Smith