Inmate is Blessed by True Freedom Ministries Discipleship


God continues to use True Freedom Ministries to disciple and give hope to those incarcerated. Below is a testimony from an inmate we serve:

“I thank God for this Alpha course cause it’s letting me know there’s still hope for me regardless of my stained past. No one told me at the age of 16 the streets would mess my life up. My life was to be centered on God, not self. It’s a blessing to be able to move from the wreckage of my past and know God still loves me. Ungodly attitudes and habits have hindered my relationship with God. Jesus is my second chance and He does not disappoint those who are seeking Him! God allows U-turns to change and being responsible develops character.  If I wish to hold the hand of the world, I must let go of Jesus’s hand. So, in closing, please God, show me the truth about myself.  I feel I have overstayed my welcome and change is long overdue. I must never, ever forget this world is not my home!”

Please continue to pray that God would use True Freedom to point people toward our great Redeemer—the One who makes beauty from the ashes.

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