Hungry for the Word of God

Hungry for the Word of God

I will always remember a certain paralegal at Lorain Correctional. He is serving 31 years in prison for murder with a gun at the age of 17, on the mean streets of Cleveland. When I met him, he was 31 years old. A phenomenal student, this man earned his degree during his prison sentence. His knowledge of Ohio Law was impressive! Inmates came to the library asking specifically for his legal counsel. Hearing about my weekly Bible study from other inmates, he started to come to class, sitting quietly in the back row. In time, he accepted Christ and would study the Bible with the same…

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No Longer Hopeless

   No Longer Hopeless

At Grafton, an inmate-led class is helping men gain confidence. Having given up on solving the Rubix Cube years ago, most assumed it was impossible for them. However, old patterns of thinking are changing. Using the “chunking” method, residents are learning to accomplish difficult goals, one step at a time. Inmates Brian Wilson and Cody Joliff lead this unique class, teaching students that life can resemble this colorful puzzle; no matter how mixed-up things get, God can help us put the pieces back in order. Inmates are asked to reflect on their feelings, before and after conquering the cube. They are encouraged to embrace the fact that, with God…

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God’s Timing for Women’s Ministry

God’s Timing for Women’s Ministry

Patience is hard for humans. Yet God is so good, so patient, with us. He teaches us, again and again, to yield our plans to His will, His timing. Then He reliably exceeds our expectations with His abundance. This is the recent story of True Freedom’s Women’s Ministry. We’ve been waiting on the Lord with a longing to expand our programming to incarcerated women. Now, in 2024, God is opening the floodgates! Amazingly, in keeping with our hearts’ desire, Jesus has given us…

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It Makes Us Feel Like We Matter

It Makes Us Feel Like We Matter

Stark Regional Community Correction Center (SRCCC) houses inmates incarcerated for chemical, alcohol, and abuse charges from Stark, Summit, and Tuscarawas Counties. TFM is new to this institution, and we have strategically chosen programming to best serve its population. We praise God that our work here is gaining momentum. Currently, we are facilitating two Character Development classes. We also offer two sections of Celebrate Recovery, for which three of our staff members received in-depth training. One female client shared, “We just love that you take time out of your week for us and how the programming is so different. It makes us feel…

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2,179 Bars of Soap…

2,179 Bars of Soap…

Cleveland is the poorest big city in the United States. In 2023, TFM’s Homeless Ministry was privileged to distribute many things our neighbors need to face the cold, like 497 winter hats, 523 pairs of gloves, and 1,432 pairs of socks. We also gave away 944 toothbrushes, 424 toothbrush cases, 1,307 tubes of toothpaste, and 374 dental floss kits. Additional items supplied to men’s and women’s homeless shelters included 314 pairs of men’s underpants, 320 hand and foot warmers, 2,179 bars of soap, 412 bottles of shampoo, 1,124 razors, 120 cans of shaving cream, 485 bottles of body lotion, 341 bottles of hair conditioner, 435 containers of deodorant, 1,189 baby diapers, 224 wash cloths, and 102 towels. We praise God for letting us be the hands and feet of Jesus. Please pray that those blessed by these items would come to know the Savior…

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Ongoing Transformation

Ongoing Transformation

Bill Holko launched a rigorous 21-week Bible study in the Book of Romans for 12 men. Using a guide written by John Stott, which incorporates factual, interpretation and application-based questions, the class is being very well received by the participants.

“Bill Holko’s most recent Romans study is revealing, convicting, and enlightening. Over and over, my heart, mind and spirit have experienced renewal. The love of God through His Son, the power of the Gospel…

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Accepted, Saved, and Free

Accepted, Saved, and Free

- By Jordan Kisabeth
When I was at the GRC camp, I tried repeatedly to get into the dog program. At every turn, I was denied due to the presence of violence in my case. Then, at the end of 2020, after 14 months of trying and praying, God intervened. He put the right people in my life and put me in the right place at the right time. I was granted an exception and entered the program. While the comfort, therapy, and unconditional love of the dogs was a blessing, something even better was coming. In 2021 I began caring for Oliver, an adorable Shih Tzu with an underbite only a mother could love. His owner? Mike Swiger. Shortly thereafter…

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True Freedom and Prospera Experience Exponential Growth in 2023!

True Freedom and Prospera  Experience Exponential Growth in 2023!

By every metric used in prison ministry and reentry, 2023 was an unprecedented year of growth for both organizations. While the number of services and programs offered by True Freedom increased by 52%, attendance in these programs more than doubled to 40,701! First time professions or rededications were also up by 86%! We served over 18,500 hot meals to the homeless on the streets of Cleveland. Here are the actual numbers…

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True Freedom makes you feel like you're human and not an inmate

Thank you for your partnership with us. True Freedom Ministries is having a huge impact in the lives of so many inmates. Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly or one-time gift to support this amazing work that was commissioned by Jesus Himself (Mathew 25:36)?

Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.

What our clients are saying

What our clients are saying

“True Freedom Ministries has been a true life-changer. From God’s Word through Bill Holko I learned what it means to step up into manhood. I am currently taking two more classes, which are just as good as the first. True Freedom has given me multiple tools to strengthen my relationship with Jesus.” –Chris Folta

“True Freedom’s Alpha class helped me understand the relationship I should have with Jesus and the reason behind the things he did for us all. I understand the Bible a lot better and like to hear how people in my class feel about certain topics.” –Khamray Bonner…

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Always There For Me

Always There For Me

By Clifford “Sonny” Belden
True Freedom Ministries has always been there for me during my time in prison. In 2022, I was ready to go home. When I went before the parole board, I had all the votes I needed to be released. Then they reversed their initial decision and detained me for five more years. This was a great mental and emotional struggle. Mike Swiger and the members of True Freedom really helped me get through that difficult time. I don’t know what I would have done without their support. As far as programming…

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By John Hugley III
Upon my incarceration in 2021, I had an encounter with Mike Swiger. Since then I’ve been greatly enriched by True Freedom’s programming. Through Alpha I learned creative ways to preach the gospel. Character Development reinforced valuable spiritual principles. I loved working with Mr. Holko during Stepping Up. I have first-hand knowledge of the genuine life investment made by the staff of True Freedom. Mike personally discipled me during…

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Hope Restored

Hope Restored

By Brian Wilson
When I was initially incarcerated, I assumed my life was over.  I became severely depressed and considered ending my life.  It seemed like everywhere I turned I was being mentally and emotionally beaten down by other inmates as well as correctional officers.  Eventually, I found out about classes that were offered by True Freedom Ministries at the Hope Center.   This was perfect because I needed some hope.  And that’s exactly what I got!  The volunteers of True Freedom Ministries showed me what it truly means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  In the Alpha class, Don Talladino’s love for Jesus was infectious.  He was almost brought to tears multiple times…

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Wonderful Possibilities

Wonderful Possibilities

I am thankful for the testimony of a 15-year-old boy who will be released in two weeks from Cuyahoga County Juvenile Home. He is in jail for stealing cars. Through his incarceration, this young man met the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior! He is now thriving academically. This precious soul understands the need to change his associations. He intends to say, “No” to old friends and “Yes” to school, church, and his mother. He eagerly anticipates working towards his future goals and dreams. As we talk…

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Healing Hearts

Healing Hearts

True Freedom Ministries had the privilege of partnering with Community West to build a playground at Lorain Correctional Institution. This is True Freedom’s second playground construction project. The first, at Grafton Reintegration Center, has been an enormous success. When an inmate has a record of good behavior, he is allowed to meet his visiting children on the playground instead of in a typically sterile prison environment. This is much less intimidating for kids and has become a strong incentive for inmates to…

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